If it was my Bowling center, I would increase friction on the three boards closest to the gutter on each side of the lane, and the first five feet of the approach. On the lane, the extra friction will reduce the number of gutter balls - which will make the occasional bowlers happier and encourage them to bowl more. On the approach, the extra friction will let you step off better.
Bowling Alley Bowling Alley
I would take a guess that it is 10 Pins on a Bowling Alley.
you could find downloads for a bowling alley, but it would not work, or it would be a recolor of bowling alleys that are already in the sims. I suggest you buy the Sims 2 nightlife expansion pack, it comes with bowling alleys.
Anything with wheels, such as a car, would be an example of use of rolling kinetic friction.
Ignoring friction and air resistance, it would require a force of 30 Newtons.
No. Closest would be Hermiston, OR or Tri-Cities in WA
a freakin lot
It does act upon it. If gravity weren't acting upon the ball, it would float into the air instead of remaining on the alley floor.
The pricing will depend on the bowling center, type of meal and refreshments, length of time, etc.
Get a strike, smoking, drinking, sleeping, perfect game
Go to the closest bowling alley and ask a front desk person or a manager about linage costs for the league you want to set up. You and the manager can discuss the possible day that you would like to start this league and what works for the bowling alley as far as lane availability.
Your best bet would be to call your local bowling alley and ask them that question.My recommendation is to take the bowl to your local Pro Shop. Most bowling alleys have a Pro Shop in them. If your bowling alley does not, simply ask who their local Pro is. They are specially trained in bowling equipment repairs and could most likely fix this problem for you.