its on the driver side. mine has a skid plate with a hole cut in it for the drain plug. you can use a 17mm wrench. its not to had to see as long as u got a shop light or flash light.
0.7 - 0.8 mm (0.28" - 0.31")
There is no oil filter.. The drain plug is on the left side of the bike.
The drain plug is on the frame, just behind the front wheel.
Where is the oil drain plug for 2004 VW Golf
Plug your cart in to a battery source, i.e. a power plug in your garage or something to that effect. Then, when it charges, you will be good to go! Hope this helps! :)
on the bottom of the oil pan, where the oil drain plug is located on most all vehicles
Coolant is drained from the system by disconnecting the lower radiator hose. There is no drain plug as such. SD
Look under the bike for the drain plug under the motor area.
The drain plug is located on the left side of the engine. It is close to the bottom, just under the side cover.
I have a Yamaha 350 big bear, and differential drain plug is on the bottom of the differential. Just remove the plug and let it drain, put the plug back in and fill it back up... i use just regular gear oil