Chainey Umphrey is living in San Jose, CA. He is a medical doctor working for Kaiser Permenente in San Jose, CA.
Chainey Umphrey's birth name is Albert Umphrey.
Chainey Umphrey was born on August 2, 1970, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
CC Chainey's birth name is Cristina Cascade Chainey.
Corey Chainey's birth name is Corey David Chainey.
None of the band members are named Umphrey. Umphrey's McGee was just the name they chose for the band.
Corey Chainey is 5' 11".
Umphrey Lee was born in 1893.
Umphrey Lee died in 1958.
Umphrey's McGee was created in 1997.
Corey Chainey goes by Hardcore, and Cor.
Richard Umphrey III was born on 1958-12-13.
Corey Chainey was born on December 3, 1987, in Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada.