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The name of the game Badminton is derived from the ancient Greek game known as Battledore and Shuttlecock and is a sport played with racquets, wither in singles, where two players play against each other, or in doubles, where four people play in two teams.

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Badminton comes from Indonesia.

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Q: Where does badminton comes from?
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Where was badminton the game made?

I think it comes from Badminton House, the home of the Dukes of Beaufort, Gloucestershire.

What was the original name of badminton?

Badminton is the original name in English, but the game is sometimes known as battledore and shuttlecock. The name comes from the shuttlecock, the a lightweight ball with feathers volleyed back and forth, more commonly referred to in the modern day as a birdie. The more modern name comes from Badminton House, the home of the Duke of Beaufort, in Gloucestershire, England. The game comes from the Indian game Poona, which became popular with British officers in India in the nineteenth century.

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Basketball, without a doubt. Next comes netball, then tennis, and finally badminton.

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Badminton Racket Shuttlecock Badminton String Badminton Shoes Badminton Accessory by :marco galgana ^^

Who is Canada's highest placed badminton player?

I would say Michelle Li or Derek Leung when it comes to singles.

Where was badminton invented?

badminton was played as early as the 16th century by the Chinese. but it was in England where they made the first set of official rules in 1873. -Chow Badminton began in the 19th century (1870) and was named by the Duke of Beaufort after Badminton House in Gloucestershire. The has technically existed for almost 2,000 years ago starting in Greece, but England was the first country to give the game the title of Badminton. The name comes from the Duke of Gloucestershire in the 1850's who's residence was Badminton House. A pamphlet entitled "Badminton Battledore - a new game" was published in 1860, and this was the first time the name badminton was used to describe the game.

What is 'badminton' when translated from English to Italian?

"Badminton" in English is badminton in Italian.

What is the meaning of seed in badminton?

A seed in badminton means a badminton player .

What is the scientific name of badminton?

The scientific name for badminton is "Shuttlecock battue".

Is there a blog about badminton equipment?

As a matter of fact, there is a blog solely devoted to badminton equipments. =========================================================== ABOUT THE BADMINTON EQUIPMENT BLOG: = Badminton Equipment = Learn about badminton equipments, from rackets to shuttlecocks and even accesories. Discover what equipment suites and drives you to your full potential. Everything you want to know about badminton equipments all here! ============================================================

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What are the timings in badminton?

the timings for badminton is my dick