Click on the 'Caddyshack Putter' link on this page to go to the official Caddyshack Putter website and learn more of its availability.
cuz hes a boss
1980 Caddyshack , July 25, 1980 .
The duration of Caddyshack is 1.63 hours.
The Production Budget for Caddyshack was $6,000,000.
The duration of Caddyshack II is 1.63 hours.
Caddyshack grossed $39,846,344 worldwide.
Caddyshack II was created on 1988-07-22.
Caddyshack grossed $39,846,344 in the domestic market.
Rodney Dangerfield starred in both Caddyshack and Back to School.
I'm Alright, the theme song to the smash 1980 hit Caddyshack, was performed by Kenny Loggins.