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Badminton originated in the U.K. by way of China, Japan, Greece and India. Meaning that they were created popular in those parts of the world!
badminton first originated in India centuries ago where it was known as Poona

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Badminton was first played in the mid-18th Century by British guards stationed in British-India (when India was part of the British Empire), it became known as Poona, as that was a town in which Badminton was becoming rather popular. In 1873, the 'Duke of Beaufort', who was the owner of Badminton House in Gloucestershire, hence the name 'Badminton', definitively launched the new game.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Badminton has been palayed by d ancient Greeks in ancient times and also by the Japanses as early as the 1500s. However, modern badminton can b traced to India, whre British officials played the local Indian game "Poona".

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βˆ™ 15y ago

According to Jean-Yves Guillain, the author of Badminton, an Illustrated History[2], the first traces of a game involving the use of a shuttlecock can be found in Asia, and specifically in China. It supposedly has its origins in T'su-chü, a Football game created 2,500 years BCE at the time of the legendary Huang-Di in order to improve the skills of soldiers fighting Chi-You, the leader of the Miao people. In Japan, the related game Hanetsuki was played as early as the 16th century. In the west, badminton came from a game called battledore and shuttlecock, in which two or more players keep a feathered shuttlecock in the air with small racquets.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Badminton come from England in the 16 hundreds ish.

It comes from a game that they used to play like badminton, but with one person and no court or net.

Like snooker it was invented by British Officers stationed in India in the mid 1700s. It came from the much earlier Eurpoean game of Shuttlecock and Battledor, the earliest form of which was extant in Greece about 2000 years ago.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It was orginaly from India when it was called 'poojha' then it was brought back to England where they played it at their house which was called badminton house!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It started in the 1750s in british military camps in india. It was referred to as battledore and shuttlecock I think

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Badminton began in India with a game known as Poona. Poona was a competitive sport that British Army officers learned and brought back to England. It started its fame in the early 1870s

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It originated in India in a place called pune and it was thus known as "poona". From there it went to England where it got the name Badminton

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No, it has originated from England

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Where the badminton originated?

Badminton was first played in the mid-18th Century by British guards stationed in British-India (when India was part of the British Empire), it became known as Poona, as that was a town in which Badminton was becoming rather popular. In 1873, the 'Duke of Beaufort', who was the owner of Badminton House in Gloucestershire, hence the name 'Badminton', definitively launched the new game.

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It is not known who invented the sport badminton. It is thought to have originated in Greece over 2000 years ago.

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the first name of Badminton is POONA

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The Invention of Badminton was claimed by some parties to have happened in China during the 5th century BC originated from a game called 'Ti Jian Zi'.

What country did badminton first start in?

Badminton began in France.

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Was badminton first played in Greece?

An early form of Badminton was first played in ancient Greece.