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Pole vaulting is an athletic event where a person uses a long, flexible pole (which today are usually made either of fiberglass or carbon fiber) as an aid to leap over a bar. Pole jumping competitions were known to the ancient Greeks, as well as the Cretans and Celts.

Modern competitions probably began around 1850 in Germany, when it was added to the gymnastic exercises of the Turner by Johann C. F. GutsMuths and Frederich L. Jahn. The modern pole vaulting technique was developed in the United Statesat the end of the nineteenth century. In Great Britain, it was first practiced at the Caledonian Games. Initially, vaulting poles were made from stiff materials such as bamboo or aluminium; later, the introduction of flexible vaulting poles made from composites such as fiberglass or carbon fiber allowed vaulters to achieve new heights.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Being someone that actually does pole vault, i hope i can help.

Pole vault has been in the Olympic Games since 1896 for men and 2000 for women. It was first used as basically way to get over obstacles. In addition In order to cross open drains/canals without getting wet, while avoiding tedious roundabout journeys over bridges, a stack of jumping poles was kept at every house and used for vaulting over the canals.

Hope this helped!

Great video of amazing vaults! -

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15y ago

People are amazed to find out that pole vaulting did not originate as a sport but a necessity. People use log poles to jump across rivers and small gaps long ago. Of course people are competitive so it evolved into a sport where people tried to jump further than each other. And that was pole vault for many years. The sport then became game of height, because people needed more of a thrill i guess. And of course technology has help push the sport to new height's. Pole vault has evolved from jumping far on bamboo to jumping high on poles made from fiberglass/carbon fiber

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16y ago

Click on the 'History of Pole Vaulting' link on this page to read about the history of pole vaulting.

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16y ago

Competition in pole vault began in the mid 19th century in Germany. Gymnastic clubs began using the pole vault as an exercise for their athletes.

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14y ago

Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an amateur magician, trained doctor, and Olympic gold medallist (pole vault) who became a famous inventor and toy manufacturer.

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12y ago


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Steve Hooker started pole vaulting when he was just five years of age

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H. Palfreman has written: 'Pole vaulting for beginners' -- subject(s): Pole Vaulting : Study and Teaching

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Pole Vaulting at Columbia University - 1899 was released on: USA: April 1899

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What is the pole called in high jump?

The "stick" itself is just called a pole or a pole vaulting pole. The poles are named by their length and maximum weight it can hold. For instance, a pole that is 12 feet tall and can hold a pole vaulter with a maximum weight of 130 pounds is a 12 foot 130 pole.

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What is the trick to pole vaulting?

Balance, Speed, and Cordination.