According to Ronald O. John, "The Vintage Era of Golf Collectibles, Identification and Value Guide', published 2002, on page 88 & 89 outlines Textolite, a composite materials molded by General Electric for Schavolite Golf, New York, NY circa 1934. Drivers, shown: approx. value $55.00 each, set at $275.00. Also Schavolite driver & putter, shown: Approx. value $85.00 to $100.00 each. The book has some very nice photographs, as examples, for reference. Please see for details on purchasing the book.
SOLO ENTERPSISE CORP. Component mfg for Aircraft, Missile and Weapon systems.
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The Sun newspaper is owned by the parent company, News UK, which is a subsidiary of News Corp. News Corp is a global media and information services company owned by Rupert Murdoch.
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