Type in gymnastics videos, Annie Graft(I'm in the same team as her, we're good friends) Carly Patterson, Nastia Liukin, gymnastics bloopers, guys gymnastics, girls gymnastics, etc.
What are the difference heavy apparatusand light apparatus
To find images of the basic position in gymnastics simply do a basic Internet search. Use the string of words, "images basic positions gymnastics" and you should find what you are looking for in the top results.
Any pictures from the Olympic Tour of Gymnastics Superstars.. try www.gymnasticssuperstars.com
Find a local gymnastics club and sign up!
Lizatards.com have a wide variety of Gymnastics and Dance crystal iron ons. Check them out!
"Faces in the gym" is in the USA gymnastics magazine. It shows pictures of young gymnasts with captions about their accomplishments as a gymnast.
You can find things like beams, bars, a vault and gymnastics mats on www.amazon.com / www.amazon.co.uk
You can find pictures of Fergie on google !
I bet there is something somewhere on the internet to find pictures. maybe google pictures.
You can find pictures of her and her sister on google