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There are plenty of places in order for one to buy ping pong and pool table. However, it is strongly suggested that one should order ping pong and pool table from the website Amazon.

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Q: Where can ping pong and pool table be bought?
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Pool, Foosball, ping pong are a few!

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Is a pool table considered furniture?

Not really. Technically a pool table would be furniture just like a ping pong table would be furniture. Still some people consider it an elegant addition to a house.

What is the volume of a ping pong ball in cm?

If the volume of a ping pong ball is 2.045 in3, And the conversion of 2.045in3 to cm3 is equal to 33.5 cm3.So the volume of a ping pong ball in cm3 (Not cm... that's impossible...) is 33.5cm3!

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Are the pockets on an American pool table bigger than those of an English pool table?

Yes- so that is why I bought an English table

Where can a tennis table top be purchased?

A table tennis conversion top is an item used on pool tables. By setting up the table tennis conversion top, you can convert your pool table into a table for table tennis. Answer was found here:

Who had the first pool table installed in the White House?

John Quincy Adams had the first pool table commishioned for the white house. He bought it from a local shop owner