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yes, you go to the nearset point of relief then two clucb lengths no closer to the hole then drop the ball

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Q: When your ball comes to rest in G.U.R. Are you entitled to a free drop and where?
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Can a golf ball be moved if it comes to rest in a gopher hole?

You'll have to check local rules, it varies from course to course. Usually if it is defined as a path you are entitled to a free drop, if it is an integral part of the course then you have to play the ball as it lies.

Can you obtain relief for gur in a bunker?

Yes, if a bunker is marked GUR you are entitled to a free drop. To do so, you remove your ball from the bunker, and from the nearest point of relief you are allowed one club length, you drop your ball and play. If there is water in the bunker and there is no GUR marked you are allowed a free drop in the bunker, no nearer the hole. If you cannot get relief from the water you can either play it or you can take a penalty drop out of the bunker.

Can a golfer take relief from an embedding ball on the fairway or the rough?

You are entitled to a free drop if the ball is plugged in the fairway or closely mown area, that is apron, fringe etc, (nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole). If the ball is plugged in the rough, there is no relief.

What is the definition of casual water on a golf course?

When you take your stance and address your golf ball, if there is visible waster either round your ball or feet you are entitled to relief. You find the nearest point of relief and take a free drop (within one club length).

If your golf ball lands on a sprinkler around the green?

Check local rules for ruling. Usually you are allowed a free one club length drop, no nearer the hole, if the ball is on the sprinkler or your stance is affected. However, unless otherwise stated, if your line of play is affected you are not entitled to relief.

When the ball lies near a water sprinkler can I make a drop without penalty just to have a better stance?

Check local rules for full ruling. But the official rule is, if the sprinkler head affects your stance, or is within two club lengths of your line of play you are entitled to a free drop. You take your free drop as normal, within one club length from the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.

Do you get a free drop if ball lied on the bridge?

No. You must play the ball as it lies. You may declare it unplayable, drop no closer to the hole, one penalty stroke.

Can a free drop be taken from a shed which forms a boundary?

No, you would have to play the ball as it lies or take a penalty drop.

Can you clean the ball if it's a free drop?

No, you cannot clean the ball when taking a free drop unless the rules of the specific situation state otherwise. It's important to follow the rules of golf precisely to ensure fair play.

Do you get a free drop from a cart track off fairway?

If the ball is on the cart path you do get a free drop one club length from your nearest point of relief no closer to the pin.

What if you take a drop from casual water and the ball roles back into casual water?

If you drop it and it rolls back into the water, you take another free drop, if this rolls back into the water you place the ball where it touched the ground on the second drop. Remember, no nearer the hole.

What is Gained when a golfer's ball is impeded by casual water?

The only thing to be gained from casual water is a free drop. You find your nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole and drop the ball in the usual way.