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you pick frome 1 to 5 events that you think that you would be good at and experiment throughout the years

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11y ago

It depends on your coach. The more competitive teams don't always give you a say, while the less competitive ones let you pick entirely. It also depends on your coach.

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Q: When you are into track and field do you have to participate in all the events or can you just pick a few?
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What is flight in track and field?

A flight is the same as a heat in the running events. Flight is for the Field events. Javelin, Shot, Disk, And the jumps. I dont know who came up with the word flight for the field events. maybe just so they can be different.

What is a flight in track and field?

A flight is the same as a heat in the running events. Flight is for the Field events. Javelin, Shot, Disk, And the jumps. I dont know who came up with the word flight for the field events. maybe just so they can be different.

How do they sign up for track?

Just go to your track meeting and sign what events you eant to do

Where did track and field originate?

Track itself only has discrete roots back to the early 1800's in various countries in Europe, eventually making its way into America. Track events however, started back before there were even countries that one could classify. The Greek started holding Olympic Games including events such as the Standion Race (Running Race), the Long Jump, the Javelin Throw, the Discus throw, and wrestling. All of these (with the exception of Wrestling) are modern day track meet events. So to directly address your question: Track and field began nearly 2700 years ago in the Greek Empire.

Pt usha never won silver?

well no. but she just miss that golden oppertunity 1/100 of sec.

What are the track and field facilities?

Track and Field Facilities are areas just like any other in a stadium. These include restrooms, starting areas, bull pins, ect.

How many tracks in Olympic running?

Just one track, few different events on it.

Track and field is the key to life?

This is a personal opinion. To some people, track and field is a huge factor in their lives, being a great outlet. Though at the same time, track is not very important and is just something to do to pass the time.

Why do people dislike track and field?

(American) dislike track and field long distance because not all Americans are good at it. Also, it is 10-30 minutes just for a single event, with is not exciting compared to a few touchdowns and field goals.

What are some anerobic sports?

Anything that involves sprinting followed by breaks. Or just sprinting track events.

Track and field starting from blocks in the 100 meters how can the hands be?

Just before the line not on it or over it

Where does Santa keep his track and field trophies?

in the pole vault