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Q: When were Slazenger B51 golf balls made?
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Which flying fortress was used in World War 2 the B51 or the B17?

The B-17 .

What is the short way from tamworth to miles qld?

B56 to B51 B51 to A39 A39 to A5

What causes Behcet disease?

Behcet disease is caused by an autoimmune response that triggers inflammation of the blood vessels. Researchers have discovered a gene, HLA-B51, which predisposes an individual to BD.

What is the distance from the same longitude point between latitude A43 and B51?

The distance from 43° to 51° north latitude, along a meridian of constant longitude,is 552.9 miles (889.8 km).

How many miles from London to bitburg Germany?

First off, you will be taking M20, from London, to either the CHANNEL TUNNEL (at J11A), where you will board a high-speed car shuttle (recommended route), or to DOVER (via A20), where you will board a CAR FERRY (alternate route) to CALAIS, FRANCE. From London to the CHANNEL it is 60 miles, and to DOVER it is 70 miles.The CHANNEL TUNNEL car shuttle is operated by EUROTUNNEL, and the CAR FERRY is operated by P&O. For more info, see the related links below:Once you are in CALAIS, FRANCE, it is 420 kilometres (261 miles) taking this route:Take A16 (E40) BRUXELLES, from Calais, to BELGIË, where you will continue on Euro route E40.Continue on E40 to E42 towards SAARBRÜCKEN. You will be bypassing Brussels via the BRUSSELS RING.Take E42 into DEUTSCHLAND (Germany), where E42 continues as bundesautobahn A60.Continue on A60 to B51 BITBURG at JUNCTION 6 (the BITBURG interchange).Take B51 into Bitburg.

Are CRN numbers required for analytical instruments such as pH probes turbidity probes etc?

In reference to CSA B51, measurement devices that are pressure containing must have a CRN number assigned to be used in Canada. Each province has different rules concerning CRN but in general you would need one in this case.

How many miles is it from Saarburg Germany to Vienna Austria?

900 km (560 miles) taking this route:Take B51 SAARBRÃœCKEN, from Saarburg, to BundesautobahnA8 SAARBRÃœCKEN.Take A8 to A6 MANNHEIM at JUNCTION 27 (KREUZ NEUNKIRCHEN (Neunkirchen Junction)).Take A6 across to A3 REGENSBURG at JUNCTION 61 (KREUZ ALTDORF (Altdorf Junction)).Take A3 to AUSTRIA, where the highway continues as A8. NOTE: You need to buy a vignette toll sticker to drive on Austria's Autobahnen. For more information, refer to the related link.Continue on A8 to A25 WIEN (Vienna) at KNOTEN WELS.Take A25 (briefly) to A1 WIEN at KNOTEN HAID.Take A1 to WIEN (Vienna).

What is the use of air vessel?

A small air chamber fixed to the pipeline on the discharge side of a reciprocating pump that acts as a cushion to minimize the shock producedby the pulsations of the pump. Air receivers and propane cylinders that are sometimes used by the public for purposes other than those originally intended, resulting in severe injury and sometimes death. Pressure vessels are containers for the storage of compressible fluids.Such vessels can be extremely dangerous if not used correctly because of the large amount of stored energy created when fluids are compressed. A sudden release of this energy may have catastrophic explosive consequences. With the hazards involved, pressure vessels are designed and constructed for very specific service conditions and usages and must be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the applicable legislative requirements. An example of an air receiver is the "air tank" usually available at hardware stores for home use. When an air receiver is used, the manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions must be followed carefully. Small propane storage pressure vessels used in household barbecues or on small construction sites are typically known as propane cylinders. They are not the same as propane storage tanks, which are constructed in accordance with CSA B51. Propane cylinders are specifically designed and constructed to standards other than CSA B51 for the purpose of storing propane as fuel where ease of transportation (portability) is a major design consideration. Use of propane cylinders is strictly regulated, and they must be filled, used and refilled for the designated application only in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Alteration of these cylinders in any way will create a safety hazard and is also prohibited.

Why won't my BMW doors unlock?

Fuses were the problem for me. 2006 BMW 325I. Went with 20A. THANKS! Check your fuses first. This just happened to me as well. I changed fuse #56 and #57, they are both 15amps. One was blown, replaced it and all my door locks are working again with the remote and manually inside the car. Your gas cap may be locked as well so be aware that you should get this fixed for safety and convenience reasons. The manual gas cap pop on my car was buried in the right side wall of the trunk. Thanks for your help. That fix also works for 2006 325I. The same #56 & #57 fuse, on the bottom left. ------------------------------------ Ok, that may work temporarily on the E90/E91, 2006+ 3-series because BMW royally screwed up on the door lock actuators. If you replace them with the same rating fuse it will pop again. The fix can be found in BMW service bulletin SI B51 19 07. Well it's not really a fix. It basically says to replace the 15A fuse with 20A and then operate the locks looking for problems with the operation of the actuators. If there is a problem replace the actuator in pairs! Both fronts or both rears together. Now if the door locks are not working on an E46 3-series 1999-2005 then the problem and solution is different. Since the original question was why won't the doors UNLOCK then the person probably has an E46 and not an E90/E91 since on the E90/E91 the locks usually fail both locking and unlocking. Ok, so in the E46 the problem is usually the actuator or the GM5 (ZKE5) module, more specifically the door lock relays in the GM5 module. E46's have problems with both about equally. If only the driver's door fails to unlock then it could be either, actuator or GM5. If both doors fail on a 2-door or if 3 or 4 doors fail on a 4-door then the problem is the GM5. There are other things to look for which I will not discuss here. The actuator is about $120 plus installation each and the GM5 is about $700 when replaced with a brand new unit installed and coded by a dealer. Luckily the GM5 can be repaired for less than $100.