"Silex" means flint. "Silex, Michigan" means Flint, Michigan.
Originally they were made in Flint, Michigan They later moved to St. Louis, Missouri. Today the Corvette is manufactured in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
The driving distance from Flint, Michigan to Roseville, Michigan is 67 miles.
Flint Michigan is A place Where the book The Watson Go To Biringham.
the typical weather in Flint Michigan is usually cold
Albania is approximately 7,900 kilometers from Flint, Michigan.
It is approximately 67 miles from Port Huron to Flint Michigan.
the typical weather in Flint Michigan is usually cold
As of 2021, the population of Flint, Michigan is estimated to be around 94,000 people.
Flint is a city, and thus has no capital.
Flint is a city, and thus has no capital.
Flint is Northeast of Lansing.