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You always call your score first when you are serving.

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The server's score is called first.

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How to call the score when you are serving?

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Q: When stating the score before serving whose score is stated first in tennis?
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How does tennis get started?

By serving

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the same that serves in tennis

How many points do you get for an ace in tennis?

Serving an ace in tennis is worth just as many points as serving, playing the point out, and winning it. In other words, one point.

Which tennis player has the fastest serving speed?

Milos Raonic...with a serving speed of 225km/h

Is a player awarded a first serve in tennis when he is interrupted before serving a 2nd serve?

If he's interrupted before a second serve, then no, since he hasn't served yet and is still safe.

Where does a tennis ball land when serving a ball?

You begin play by serving from the Right Side of the Court (known as the duece court) serving to the left.

What are the objective of table tennis?

the objective of Table Tennis are that you have to try and get the ball on the opposite site of where your serving from without the oppoinent hitting it back

When can a tennis doubles team change the order of serving?

After 1game

Can you hold your tennis racket over or above the net while the opponent is serving?

it doesn't matter where your tennis racket is just as long as it hits the tennis ball

In tennis a player who steps on or in front of the baseline while serving commits a what?

Foot Fault

Which side of the tennis court do you serve from in Love-15?

if you are serving, it is the "left" side of the court