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Running during the winter presents unique concerns regarding apparel. While the most obvious concern is that the clothing keeps you warm, many people forget that despite freezing temperatures, your body still sweats while running. Therefore it is recommended that you avoid cotton materials that are not very efficient at wicking away moisture. Because the cotton does not dry, the moisture will cause your skin to lose body heat. Further, cotton is more likely to cause chafing or skin irritations.

The best suggestion for base layering during cold weather months is to choose a technical fabric that is designed to help wick away sweat. There are many name brands available, such as Coolmax, Thinsulate, and DriFit, though a number of smaller and uncommon brands also make technical winter athletic apparel. If you are looking for something more natural, wool and silk both have natural sweat wicking properties and are typically very warm, thus making them a great alternative to man made manufactured materials.

Because winter weather varies greatly, it is important to remember to wear layers. Winter temperatures can change over the course of a run when you factor in elements such as wind chill and sunshine. Further, as you ease into your workout, your body temperature will rise, causing you to become much warmer than you would be simply standing or walking around outside. Dressing in layers allows you to add or remove clothing based on your body temperature and needs. Don't forget to include items such as hats, gloves, and face masks. For more information about running in cold weather, please visit "Eight Safety Tips for Winter Running."

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Q: When running in cold weather what materials are not recommended for layering next to the skin?
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When running in cold weather which one of the following materials is not recommended for layering next to the skin?

Cotton is not recommended for layering next to the skin when running in cold weather because it tends to absorb moisture and sweat, making it difficult to regulate body temperature. This can lead to feeling cold and uncomfortable during the run. It's better to opt for moisture-wicking materials like polyester or merino wool for a base layer.

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