Yes. Venezuela became independent in 1830 from Spain.
Venezuela was declared independent in 1830.
He help Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Panama, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Venezuela became independent from Spain and started the revolution in 1821 and became an independent country in 1830. The director of the revolution was Simon Bolivar who came from Colombia.
Yes, it is a State.
in the year 1811 venezuela gain theirindepent from spain
Venezuela gained its independence in 1830.
Because Venezuela was once a territory of Spain.
No, Aruba isn't owned by Venezuela. Venezuela is an independent South American country where Spanish is spoken. Aruba is an island that's off the coast of Venezuela. But it's considered an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Venezuela was the first country in South America to become independent from Spain. The other northwestern-most countries of Columbia and Ecuador soon followed.
Venezuela was the first country in South America to become independent from Spain. The other northwestern-most countries of Columbia and Ecuador soon followed.
In 1960