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i dont know the exact date but i do know it was in 1919

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Q: When did Jesse Owens move to Ohio?
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Where did Jesse Owens live?

During his life Jesse Owens lived in: Oakville, Alabama Cleveland, Ohio Portland, Oregon Tucson, Arizona

Where did Jesse Owens go to middle school?

Cleveland, Ohio

Is Jesse Owens a boy or a girl?

Jesse Owens kids were girl and there names were Gloria malene Beverly.

What college did Jesse Owens attend and when did he attend?

Ohio State in 1935.

Whose statue is at Ohio stadium?

The statue that is at the Ohio Stadium is the Jesse Owens memorial statue. Jesse Owens preformed at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. He won four gold medals in track and field.

Who was Jesse Owens's coach?

coach Charles Riley was Jesse's track coach. He help Jesse succeed and get into Ohio st. university.

Did Jesse Owens go to the University of Cincinnati?

No, he attended Ohio State University.

What school did Jesse Owens go to?

Jesse Owens went to Cleveland East Technical High School and he also went to Ohio State University.

Why did Jesse Owens changed his name?

Jesse Owens was born James Cleveland Owens in 1913. His family called him "J.C.", but when he moved to Ohio at the age of nine, a teacher misunderstood his name and began calling him "Jesse". The name stuck and he used it the rest of his life.

How did Jesse Owens become an olympic gold medalist?

He trained at Ohio State University.

Where did Jesse Owens go to college?

Jesse Owens went to Ohio State University,Fairmont Junior High School,East Technical High School

Who and what motivated Jesse Owens?

Jesse Owens