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It would usually take me about 15-20 min. to complete 10 frames.

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Q: When bowling alone how long would it take on average to complete 10 frames?
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When was Bowling Alone created?

Bowling Alone was created in 2000.

What is the ISBN of Bowling Alone?

The ISBN of Bowling Alone is 0743203046.

What is a bowling round called?

There is no solid definition for a round of bowling. There is a game of bowling. Three games is referred to as a series. In league bowling, usually that nights "round" of bowling consists of three games per bowler or one series.

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Political scientist, Robert Putnam, has linked bowling and philanthropy in his book, Bowling Alone (2000). This discussion of the decline of "social capital", includes several measures of philanthropy such as volunteerism. The title of the book points out a trend among Americans to bowl alone more now than in the past when bowling leagues were popular.

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Yes, phrases can stand alone as complete thoughts or expressions, even if they do not form complete sentences. For example, "Under the sun" is a phrase that can convey a complete idea or image.

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An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, expressing a complete thought. In contrast, a dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and relies on an independent clause to form a complete thought.

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A single semicolon standing alone does not form a complete statement.

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