there real name was sticks, from wooden shafts.
They are ok quality, but they would be no where near the best clubs on the market.
go to strip clubs
no sir
ebay, vintage club shops, manufacturers who specialise in making wooden clubs, other internet retailers.
Some people call sporting bats "clubs".
Founders Club golf clubs are not the best quality but they are just fine if you are just beginning or short of cash or not good enough at the moment to really notice the difference in club quality. Even the cheapest golf clubs now are so much better than any club 30 years ago. Put it this way..a scratch golfer with Founders Club gear would thrash me even if i was using the most expensive equipment :)
they use wooden weapons such as Bronze or bone-tipped spears,wooden swords,Clubs Woolen slings and stones and battle-axes
People Used Wooden Clubs, And Different Styled Golf Balls From Today.