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Is a yellow banded dart frog poisons?

Of course they're poisonous! It's a dart frog!

What happens to a frog that is in the path of the passing car?

of course the frog will hit by the wheels of the car and will die

What is a tyrell frog?

a tyrell frog is a odd frog from japan and china this frog can be really aggressive if you come to close and will eat the male after giving birth and then the female turns into a male!

What method are waxy monkey tree frog off-springs birthed?

by mating and macking the father have the babie

Is sgt frog a real tv show?

Of course! Sgt. Frog is a real TV show, And i LOVEit!

Are frogs Martians?

of course not, a frog is a frog and there are also toads. the are many types of frogs you can look up

Who was the 'father' of Freddo Frog?

macpherson robertson of course

Are Frog and Toad a couple?

No, Frog and Toad are not a couple. They are close friends in a series of children's books by Arnold Lobel.

Can an eagle eat a frog?

Yes of course. Eagles can hunt rabbits so a frog isn't going to be difficult for them.

What happens to a frog that is in the path of a passing car?

of course the frog will hit by the wheels of the car and will die