trip the person next to you?
if your being chased by snowmen i suggest you go see a shrink and fast.
I think you being chased by problems and there coming closer to fix.
yes if they have a warrant.Added; Or they are in "fresh pursuit" of a perpetrator and the person being chased enters the premises.
Instead of using 'them' in passive voice, you can use pronouns like 'it,' 'him,' 'her,' or the specific noun that is being referred to. The choice of pronoun depends on the gender and number of the object or person being referred to in the sentence.
if it happens to be a burrowing rabbit species, if chased will hide out in its burrow
boy do hate being chased but not all the time in depends if you chase him in skool or sum where like that with all his mates around
When a pig is being chased by a dog, the pituitary gland will be activated. This hormone releases adrenaline and noradrenaline.
"Red herring" is a slang term used to describe a bogus diversion. For example, if a person is being chased in the forest, they might offer their shoes to another person so that the other person will be tracked and not them.
Tweety bird is being chased by Sylvester the cat.
Yes.More information:Dreams of being chased are among the most common dreams. They often are triggered by persistent problems. In the same way one might describe a nagging issue as "dogging my heels," the subconscious mind might present a literal image of being "chased" by the problem.