Betty Moffitt
Billie Jean Jones's birth name is Billie Jean Jones Eshlimar.
Billie Beanblossom's birth name is Billie Jean Beanblossom.
"Billie Jean" is a girl's name in the song by Michael Jackson. The song tells the story of a woman claiming that a man is the father of her child.
Billie Jean King was born on November 22, 1943.
Michael Jackson said that Billie Jean was a made up name - but there seems to be a lot of truth to the lyrics.
Michael also related to this question by answering to it as: "There was never a real Billie Jean, it was just a certain name that I thought would make sense to add into a song. It went with some of the lyrics."
Billy the Kid Billy Joel Billy Bob Thornton Billie Holiday Billie Jean King
Billie Jean was a girl, who stalked Michael Jackson. Her real name wasn't actually Billie Jean, she gave herself the name Billie Jean Jackson because she was obsessed with Michael. She was also believed to be delusional and thought she was Michael's wife. Billie Jean also tried to sue Michael Jackson for one billion dollars and claim that "Blanket Jackson", Michael Jackson's son was hers. Blanket Jackson's real mother was "Debbie Rowe", Michael Jackson's second wife.
Billie Jean.
The name of the baby tiger was " Thriller".