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Q: What was the last war France won on thire own?
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France and Germany were the last two countries in World War 1.

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The war started when the english and the french both wanted to own France.

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They moved west cause thire were gold in California.(The gold Rush)

How did Hundred Years War start?

The war started when the english and the french both wanted to own France.

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By 1918 (the last year of the war) France had over 3,000 tanks, mostly the revolutionary new Renault Model 1917.

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What was the last war between France and Britain?

The last official war between France and Great britain was that of the Seventh Coalition, that included the Waterloo Campaign and the Neapolitan War. But the last military actions of a not declared war between Great Britain and the so called France of Vichy took place between the summer 1940 and November 1942, after the Armistice between Germany and the unoccupied France, the most notables of which was the Battle of Mers-El-Kebir fought on July 3, 1940 and the British attacks on Dakar carried on July 8 and September 23-24-25,1940.