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Tiger Woods has reflected on his childhood as a very enjoyable one. He was to play Baseball and Basketball as well as obviously Golf. His dad used to take out a loan to take him to all the junior events during the summer, and he used to work it off in the winter. He won many many tournaments as a junior and had a dedicated golf coach from a very young age.

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Tiger Woods was very dedicated to the sport of Golf since a very young age. He was once on a SitCom and performed a perfect swing in front of a large crowd. To back up "dedication", he also golfed in the rain multiple times to prepare for a Weather-Nasty Open.(I forget which one) He practiced in his garage every day, and learned good character from his father.

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7y ago
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12y ago

it sucked realy bad for him so he likes to hide in the closet and cut him self

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15y ago

Simply no, he wasn't.

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13y ago

Tiger went to Stanford University

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14y ago

He was never home schooled.

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Tiger Woods uses a Daphne's Headcover, a Tiger, you can buy this from the Daphne's headcover online shop or type it into google.

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