Could be a PTO (Power Take Off) to operate accessories like a dump body or a snow plow.
There are no particular boats equipped with the V Drive, but a boat that is equipped with it usually has two drive shafts. The boat will also have a gearbox and propeller.
you need to remove the drive shafts and the gearbox // but you can replace without taking the gearbox fully out the car you use screw rod of the same thread dimension on the tp two bolts of the box and slide it back far enough to carry out the job
To replace the clutch on a 106 you will need to remove the air box, battery, wheels and starter motor and disconnect the gear linkages. Before you remove the drive shafts drain the gearbox vie a 3/4 square drive plug located on the bottom of the gearbox (then remove the shafts). After this you will need to support the engine and remove the engine mount from the gearbox. Once this is done the electrical cables connectors and associated clips will have to removed from the gearbox. Once you are sure that there is nothing left fastened to the box remove the gearbox bolts including the bolt located under the engine that secures the front pipe to the engine/gearbox. The gearbox should then be removed by sliding it slightly to the N/S of the car to extract the input shaft from the crank and then lowering to the floor, The clutch is then visible and can be replaced ensuring that the clutch is tightened evenly and properly aligned using the appropriate aligning tool (sometimes supplied with the new clutch). Before refitting the gearbox it is always worth replacing the driveshaft oil seals on the gearbox as these can be a pain if they leak once the job is complete. Refit the box and reassemble the components in reverse order remembering to refill the box with fresh gearbox oil
Usualy three front and two sides the back is held up by the gearbox which is in turn held up by the gearbox mount.
Drive shafts, PTO shafts, Steering shafts, Axle shafts,
The gearbox oil fill plug can be located, in your Peugeot 306 2.0, on the top of the gearbox nears the back. The plug can be removed with a three-quarter inch socket
shafts Barbules and pinnae are connected at the shafts of the feathers. This is on a bird.
Three concentric and rotating shafts would be known as a contra-rotating device. Currently, several machines like these are being designed, according to the US Patent Office.
Just swapped a 1.1 getz geabox a bit fidly but not too bad-remove front subframe pull out drive shafts disconnect steering and roll bar disconnect gear change and electrical plugs(2) undo gearbox mount drop engine slightly and support split gearbox away from engine and remove downwards it took me about 9 hours but I don't do this for a living regards Dave k
Planetary gearboxes are a particular kind of gearbox where the centres of rotation of the input and output are identical. This indicates that the input and output shafts are aligned, and the center of the input gear circles around the center of the output gear.