Gross body equilibirum
Gross body coordination
Extent flexibility
physical abilities involving small body movements, especially of the hands and fingers
Motor abilities in sports help coordination. If a person did not have finely tuned motor skills and was not coordinated, they could not competently play sports.
fine and gross motor development
motor pesado (exp. mec.)
what are the fine and gross motor skills ages 16 - 19 years
Metoclopramide may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of hazardous tasks such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle.The ambulatory patient should be cautioned accordingly.
"The Peabody Development Motor Scales - Second Edition (PDMS-2) is an early childhood motor development program that provides (in one package) both in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The assessment is composed of six subtests that measure inter-related motor abilities that develop early in life. It is designed to assess the motor skills of children from birth through five years of age. Reliability and validity have been determined empirically. The normative sample consists of 2,003 persons residing in 46 states. The PDMS-2 can be used by occupational therapists, physical therapists, diagnosticians, early intervention specialists, adapted physical education teachers, psychologists, and others who are interested in examining the motor abilities of young children.Subtests include Reflexes, Stationary, Locomotion, Object Manipulation, Grasping, Visual-Motor Integration. The subtests yield a gross motor quotient, a fine motor quotient, and a total motor quotient."
Metoclopramide may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of hazardous tasks such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle.The ambulatory patient should be cautioned accordingly.
a sport using gross motor skills would be kicking a ball, throwing a ball, punching a punching bag and headbutting a ball. =)
Gross motor skills are larger movements your baby makes with his arms, legs, feet, or his entire body. So crawling, running, and jumping are gross motor skills.
The three types of motor skills movement are Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills, and Balance and Coordination.
Jean Piaget, a developmental psychologist, is related to gross motor skills as he proposed a stage theory of cognitive development that includes a stage called the sensorimotor stage. In this stage, children are learning about the world through their senses and movement, which is crucial for the development of gross motor skills.