there are 5 metatarsals
Football is a sport that uses a pigskin.
humans walk on their metatarsals. Metatarsals are the center area of the foot, metacarpals are the palms(on the hands).
The metatarsals bones are located in between your ankle and your toes.
Metatarsals are bones in the foot, metacarpals are bones in the hand.
There are 5 metatarsals in one human foot. This means that every normal human on Earth has 10 metatarsals combined in their feet..
Unfinished Question, all possibilities; a. The metatarsals are the bones that form your foot. b. The metatarsals connect by a gliding joint to your tarsals c. The metatarsals connect by a condyloid joint to your proximal phalanges.
The phalanges, or toe bones, are distal to the metatarsals. They are farther away from the origin of the lower limb.
There are five metatarsals in the human body. To view the source and more information on metatarsals go to:
Badminton is a racquet sport that uses a net and a shuttlecock.
The sport of pool or pocket billiards uses chalk and pockets.