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a bell

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Q: What sounds the final lap at cycling events?
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Related questions

When did Final Lap happen?

Final Lap happened in 1987.

When was Final Lap created?

Final Lap was created in 1987.

When was Final Lap Twin created?

Final Lap Twin was created in 1989.

When did Final Lap Twin happen?

Final Lap Twin happened in 1989.

What rhymes with spinal tap?

final lap

What signals one lap to go in running events at the Olympics?

They usually have a bell which they ring when there is one lap left.

What actors and actresses appeared in Final Lap - 2006?

The cast of Final Lap - 2006 includes: Tori Davis as Mrs. Bickerton Tom Lawlor as Mr. Bickerton Morgan Lynch as Lindsay

The distance between the final position and the starting position is called?

One lap

The direction and distance between the final position and the starting position?

One lap

What is the final part of something called?

The "End", the finale or grand finale. The last lap, last part, final league, last gasp or last breath.

What are the release dates for Heartland Thunder - 2010 The Final Lap 1-6?

Heartland Thunder - 2010 The Final Lap 1-6 was released on: USA: 30 July 2010

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