fitness, patience, a thick skin, willingness to keep up constantly with the rules of the game, to be reassessed and trained, and a general love of the sport.
It depends upon the game and the level of competition. Professional umpires in the US must be at least 18, but for amateur football and little league Baseball games, any knowledgeable person could serve. However, state laws concerning employment and safety of minors will usually apply.
You don't "need" to have any formal education, per se, but you do need to know the rules of baseball (or softball) in order to be able to call a game. Obviously, the more advanced the games you call (T-ball, Little League, School, College, or pro baseball), the more important it becomes to have formal training. There are umpiring schools, camps, and clinics that you can attend to advance your training.
One similarity is that they both dont need to be phycically fit to be an umpire.
Typically a Badminton umpire needa watch with timer and/or stopwatchone yellow, and one red card ( black card if you are a referee)a clipboardat least one penthe scorecardSome equipment's need to be provided by the championship organizers, like:scoreboard ( electronic or manual, if it's manual, need to be placed at a side of the umpire chair )umpire chairshuttles ( that are under umpire care and responsibility during the game )
good finess
I think a level of fitness you need is to do a lot of practical sports in order to be a qualified tennis lime umpire.
They make sure the game is fair.
A badminton umpire makes overall decisions, it depends which umpire you are referring to a chair umpire is in charge of the final decision if the final decision cant be made. The chair umpire we'll ask the refree to make the refree decide. The service judge is in the name they decide if there are any faults withtin the serve.
It all depends on what level you want to umpire at, you'll need basic qualifications for games with citys or towns, but if you want to umpire at a international level you will need higher qualifications if you just want to umpire for a local teams you won't need them.
The umpire said that he was out.Someone threw a beer can at the umpire.
you have to be 13 and go to an umpire camp.
The umpire says that you are out.
I have volunteered to umpire tomorrow's Little League game.