Just wear some sexy thongs!! Nahh joking wear a pair of plain black or dark shorts that you can get cheaply at Primark or something
the thing to do after PE is wear deodorant after your done
no i personally think they shouldn't because it takes up a lot of time to get dressed in to it and out of it and they make me personally feel uncomfortable and some are ugly. I always fail PE because i hate changing -_-
Well personally i think that you should where your pe kit.OR A one half sleeved shirt and shorts.
A PE teacher wears a top and track suite bottoms
So you don't stink up and damage your regular clothes.
the disadvantage of P.E (physical education) is that the P.E teacher could be a pedo file and look through girls skirts.
Yes . But it is the best to wear a short pants made from nylon.
Any boy that plays PE should be wearing a jockstrap for the support of his family jewels. If the boy has started wearing boxers before 7th grade ( Jr high) he should wear a regular Bike jock under those boxers. I would recommend however try fitting your son well before that if he skateboards often with a cup/ jock NO compression shorts.
Of couse, but you have to wear it in candyland.
Its the final countdown drrrathha drrrathha dnnnana dnnnana