It depends. If the cold is a head cold, you can carry on training as normal. If the cold is centred around the chest, you should take it easy - either dial back your training or rest up for a few days. Running will act as a decongestant, so running with a cold will clear your blocked nose - nose spits(!) - somewhat. I find it also clears a headache. If you have a cold going into the race itself, only you can decide whether to run or not. Your HR is bound to be a little elevated from being sick, so you will likely find that the last 15kms or so will see your endurance tested more than usual unless you take it easier than normal in the first half. You'll almost certainly run a slower time than you otherwise could.
A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.
Yes, you can catch a cold a week after you were exposed to it. The common cold is most contagious up to two days before symptoms begin.
you will catch the cold too as common cold is a communicable disease.
You should take a hot bath if you have a runny nose or a cold bath if you have a high temperature ------------------------------------ Hot: Hot water may kill some of the bacteria, and the cold water may wake you up a bit.
The sentence "I think I catch a cold" is not grammatically correct. It should be written as "I think I am catching a cold" to indicate the present progressive tense.
Only the type of cold that you feel from low temperatures. You can not catch the infectious disease called the common cold from climbing mountains or from being cold. The common cold is caused by viruses that you catch from other people, it has nothing to do with cold weather. Check out the related questions in the related questions section for more about this long held belief/myth that you catch a cold from being in the cold. It is just a myth from before people knew about viruses.
Yes, a person can catch cold in a desert if he/she is exposed to a cold virus.
To catch the BALL NODUH.......................................................................................................................
You can potentially catch a cold from anyone.
It is more commonly said as "catching a cold" when referring to becoming sick with a cold. So, the correct phrasing would be "Did you catch a cold?"
It itches because you are sick and you don't feel so good.