Depends how old and how tall they are. From about 13 most youths would play mens clubs, but smaller youths could get ladies or junior clubs which are shorter and lighter. There is the option of getting a set of mens clubs custom fitted, but then they may grow out of them quickly.
The length of the club car golf car is 94.5 inches while the width is 47 inches. In centimeters, the length is 240cm while the width is 119cm.
As in length of club, no. As in distance it is used to hit the ball, no.
Yes, Weight And Length Are Important.
The length of a standard golf club can vary depending on the type of club. A typical driver is around 1 meter in length.
Mini golf was invented to attract youth as they did not like the idea of carrying a club in a big golf club. Mini golf was not that tiring plus they had more to concentrate on the game as they got less tired.
You would use inches.
you said its hurt
Your club or the competition you are playing in will give you plenty of notice of the time you need to arrive at the Golf Club by, which will vary from club to club.
If you are referring to the length of the club you should measure from the top of the grip to the bottom of the hosel of the club. If you are referring to the head size you should simply look on the manufacturers website and it will tell you there. There is no point trying to calculate it yourself as it will be very difficult.
A golf club.
180 - 200 yards, depends on club specs and how good the player is.
The ball should be in the middle of your stance.