Most 9 year olds are diffrent in what they can do! It depends if they r flexible or not! When I was nine i was still doing cart wheels......but most 9 year olds should be able to do at least 3 running back handsprings
No, a 5 yr. old should not have sleepovers.
Around 75 to 85 pounds is the healthy weight of an 8 yr old.
it is nadia comaneci she heald it for a yr
i think that a 9 yr. old should weigh 60-90 pounds i weigh 85 pounds and i am 9
iam a 17 yr old when i turn 18 will i be able to have legal rights to my 10 yr old sister.
At first glance, I'd say no. They're both adults (or soon will be) and at their age, they should realize and be able to deal with your need for a good relationship (if it indeed is..) If your daughters are responsible adults, they should be able to deal with independence, as should you. Time to kick them out of the nest and fly away yourself...
a 15 yr old should be up till 10:00PM to 11:00PM a 15 yr old should be up till 10:00PM to 11:00PM
In the United States of America that's illegal.
68 pounds