This is a Ping graphite shaft that was sold with the ISI model Ping Irons in the nineties. The w54 was a firm stiffness-not regular-but it was very light weight shaft at that time.
The W54 nuclear warhead used in the Davy Crocket, AIM-26 Falcon air-to-air missile and the SADM atomic demolition munition was a variable yield, linear implosion warhead most likely with an unreflected bare ovoid pit. It boasted a variable yield of 0.01 kilotons (10 tons of TNT) or a variable yield variant of between 0.02 kilotons-1 kiloton. (20 tons of TNT - 1000 tons of TNT) The cost to develop this weapon is not that easy to find, but many estimates and research have shown a price of anywhere from 14 - 40 million per weapon, not including the delivery system.