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Q: What reaches terminal velocity first a golf ball or a Styrofoam ball?
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What is the terminal velocity of a falling object on earth?

The terminal velocity of a falling object on Earth is typically around 120 mph or 195 km/h for a human-sized object. Terminal velocity is the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.

What is velocity at which a falling object travels when the force of air resistance matches exactly the downward force of gravity?

The velocity at which a falling object travels when the force of air resistance matches the force of gravity is called the terminal velocity. At terminal velocity, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed. The exact value of terminal velocity depends on the object's size, shape, and mass, as well as air density and viscosity.

Who discovered terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity was first described by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. He demonstrated that as an object falls through a fluid, such as air, it experiences drag force that increases as its speed increases. Eventually, the drag force will equal the force of gravity, causing the object to stop accelerating and reach a constant velocity known as terminal velocity.

What happens when you shoot an arrow straight in the air?

An arrow shot vertically into the air will lose velocity and reverse direction. When it begins to descend, the fletching will quickly cause it to re-orient with the point downward. It will accelerate until it reaches its terminal velocity. Assuming an atmospheric density of 1.3 kg/m^3, and an arrow with a drag coefficient of 1.2, a weight of 0.23 N (200 grains), cross-sectional area of 23.48 mm^2, I calculate a terminal velocity of 112.6 m/s. That's about the same as the initial velocity when shot from a compound bow! One question remains, however: does the arrow have enough time during its descent to reach terminal velocity? That would depend on how high you shot it in the first place. Roughly speaking, though, the faster it was going when it left the bow, the faster it will be going when it reaches the ground.

What will reach its terminal velocity first a penny or an elephant?

Terminal velocity is reached when the force of gravity pulling an object down is balanced by air resistance pushing up. As both the penny and the elephant will experience the same gravitational force, the elephant, with a much larger surface area, will likely reach its terminal velocity first compared to the smaller and more aerodynamic penny.

Why can friction make observing newton's first law of motion terminal velocity?

This question does not make sense

If a 75 kg person and a 200 kg crate were launched out of a plane at the same time which one would reach terminal velocity first?

Both objects would reach terminal velocity at the same time, as terminal velocity is based on factors such as air resistance and gravitational pull, rather than the mass of the objects.

Do bubbles reach terminal velocity?

Yes, bubbles will eventually reach terminal velocity in a liquid. Once a bubble's buoyant force is equal to the drag force acting against it as it rises through the liquid, it will cease accelerating and reach a constant velocity known as terminal velocity.

Why do falling objects accelerate at first?

Falling objects accelerate due to the force of gravity acting upon them. As the object falls, the force of gravity pulls it downward, increasing its speed. This acceleration continues until the object reaches terminal velocity or encounters another force counteracting gravity.

What is the correct spelling for styrofoam?

You got it right the first time. STYROFOAM.

What will happen if a parachutist opens its parachute before reaching its terminal velocity?

If a parachutist opens their parachute before reaching terminal velocity, they may experience a sudden jerk as the parachute deploys and slows their descent rapidly. This could potentially cause discomfort or nausea. It is generally recommended to wait until reaching terminal velocity before opening the parachute to ensure a smoother deployment.

What happens to the velocity of a marble as it accelerates down its first hill?

The velocity of the marble increases as it accelerates down its first hill due to the force of gravity. As the marble descends, the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, leading to an increase in velocity until it reaches the bottom of the hill.