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Q: What person killed 800 men with a spear?
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Who killed 800 men with a spear in the Bible?


What was the name of a man who killed 800 men with a spear in the Bible?


Is Abishi and Jashobeam the same person in the Bible?

It appears they are one and the same, 1 Chron. 11:20 say Abishi killed 300 men with his spear and it also says the same about Jashobeam. 1chron. 11:20.

Is an aboriginal woomera and spear the same?

No. The spear is a weapon but the woomera is not. The woomera is a spear-thrower. It enabled the men to throw a spear with greater speed and accuracy.

How many men were killed during the Rwanda Massacre?

It is estimated that 800 000 people were killed during the genocide, although some estimates put the number at 1 million.

Who in the Bible killed 300 men with his own spear?

2nd Samuel 23:18 And Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief among three. And he lifted up his spear against three hundred, [and] slew [them], and had the name among three.

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A figure of 800,000-1,000,000 murdered is often quoted.

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About 800,000 people were killed in the Rwandan genocide, mainly Tutsis.

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The Laestrygonians spear most of Odysseus' men and take them home to eat.

What were the closely-packed spear men in Alexander the greats army called?

A phalanx

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187 men where killed

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All of Odysseus' men are eventually killed before he gets to Ithaca.