It depends on what level you are, how committed you are two the sport, what your coach wants, things like that make everyone's schedules vary greatly.
Because Every class must fit into the gym schedule
A total gym exercise machine does really get your body into shape if you use it as directed and use it often. Any exercise must be done consistently to see results.
Go to a Gym.
In a Gym.
Being able to exercise at the gym before or after work can be difficult. A home gym is the best way to fit an exercise program into a busy schedule. No home gym would be complete without cardio equipment. These pieces of exercise equipment include stationary bikes, treadmills and rowing machines. Cardio equipment helps you achieve and maintain your target heart rate for optimal cardiovascular health. You can comparison shop on line or visit a local sporting goods store to get expert help in selecting the right machines for your exercise program.
The cost of a total gym exercise machine can vary quite a bit depending on what features you are looking for. You can buy a Total Gym 1100 for about $220 or a Total Gym XLS for $675.
you should take a heavy diet after gym but two hours is need between exercise and eat
There are many exercise equipment that is suitable to start a home gym. A few good examples of home exercise equipment is the treadmill, elliptical trainers and cycling machine.
Exercise, like in any other gym.
He exercise by going to the gym:)
A commercial gym will need multiple exercise machines for the customers. There needs to be treadmills, exercise balls, small trampolines, bicycles, etc.