As a Strike is symbolized with an X, the strike symbol of / is used which looks like part of the X symbol.
That would depend on the weight of the bowling balls. If they were 10 pounds each, that would be 700 pounds total.
A Hammer bowling ball should be available for purchase at any retail store that specializes in bowling and bowling supplies. Another place would be inside the pro shop that many bowling alleys have inside.
Usually polyester; some modern balls are based on urethanes instead. Older balls were hard rubber, which is also a polymer but would not be considered "plastic" by most people. There's a more dense "core" in the ball that's made of a composite material, so the ball weighs more than a solid piece of the outside plastic would.
This would be an illegal technique. Your ball would be considered a soaker.
No. A simple google image search would have answered this question for you.
Yes. Gravitational pull is based on mass. And since the bowling balls have greater mass than the ping pong balls then the gravitational pull would be greater.
One funny Bowling award category would be strangest form while bowling. Other categories could be, most gutter balls, fewest spares, and an award for playing an entire game without getting a strike.
Certain WEIGHTS of bowling balls float. Bowling balls have a volume of 6250 cm3. An equal amount of water would weigh 6.25 kilograms. A bowling ball that weighs less than 6.25 kilograms--8-pound, 10-pound and 12-pound balls--will float. 14-pound and 16-pound balls, having a density higher than 6.25 kilograms, will not float.
The gravitational force between two bowling balls would be greater than the gravitational force between two feathers, assuming the distance between them is the same. This is because the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects involved, and bowling balls have much greater mass than feathers.
One might describe is as rolling thunber while the bowling balls roll down the lane, then there is a loud crack as it hits the pins. There is also usually laughter and talking.
The highway was composed of four lanes each way. The bowling lane was slick for the bowling balls to roll with ease. We lived on Forest Lane for 26 years.
The gravitational force between two bowling balls would be greater than the gravitational force between two feathers. This is because the force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the objects interacting. Since bowling balls have a much greater mass than feathers, they would exert a stronger gravitational force on each other.