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Q: What material were old racket strings made from?
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What are the release dates for Racket Squad - 1950 The Case of the Old Flame - 2.6?

Racket Squad - 1950 The Case of the Old Flame - 2.6 was released on: USA: 11 October 1951

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Racket Squad - 1950 Sick Old Man 2-2 was released on: USA: 13 September 1951

Who made musketeer banjos?

I have I believe it's called a banjolele. It is old probably 1900's. It is made with mother of pearl and has 8 strings. It says musketeer on it. Can you teel me about how old it could be and is it worth alot of money?

What are the release dates for Racket Squad - 1950 The Case of the Not-So-Old-Masters 1-7?

Racket Squad - 1950 The Case of the Not-So-Old-Masters 1-7 was released on: USA: 12 July 1951

How have badminton rackets changed?

It is a racket specifically made for badminton. They have a low weight ranging from 70-95 grams (2-3.5 ounces). They are made of a range of reenforced plastic to solid steel. They can have carbon nanotubes in it now days which are very light weight. They have have stings that looks like a regular grid of squares. The strings are the with of about .67 mm and they have the tension of 80-160 newtons. They are usually low for regular players and higher for professionals.The thing you hit the shuttlecock with. Like baseball- theres a bat (badminton racket) and a ball (shuttlecock).

Why are there no plastics in an old car?

cuz in the 70s cars where made of metal and metallic material's because plastic was thought as an infra material

What were ukulele strings made from in the old days?

They were made out of animal gut. Gut is normally from cattle and the term 'cat gut' is just short for 'cattle gut.' Sheep and pigs were also used.

How old is Andy Roddick?

Andy Roddick is a tennis player who at one time was number 1 in the world. However he has been sliding down the rankings. He is married to Brooklyn Becker, a swimsuit model. He is sponsored by Lacoste (Clothing) Babolat (Shoes, strings and racket) Rolex and Lexus.

How to replace electric guitar strings?

To replace electric guitar strings, first loosen the old strings and remove them. Then, insert the new strings through the bridge and tuning pegs, making sure to wind them properly. Tune the strings to the correct pitch and trim any excess.