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Q: What makes a golf ball bounce high?
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What makes a golf ball bounce?

AnswerIt has to do with the material a golf ball is made out of. It is a extremely strong material. A golf ball needs to bounce high to be able to get hit by a golf club and fly through the air and hit the ground and bounce. Due to that information a golf ball will bounce highest compared to almost ANY other balls. A golf ball is the winner of bouncing the highest.

What materials in a golf ball causes it to bounce higher?

They put magicdust into the golf balls so that they bounce really high.

How high does a golf ball bounce?

Depends on the brand of ball, and whether it's labeled as 'soft' or 'super long'.

Which would bounce higher a golf ball a rubber ball or ping pong ball?

A rubber ball would generally bounce higher than a golf ball or a ping pong ball due to its elasticity and ability to store and release energy upon impact. Ping pong balls, being lightweight and hollow, can also bounce quite high but may not have the same level of bounce as a rubber ball. Golf balls are designed for low bounce as they are meant to stay on the ground when hit.

Which ball will bounce first a bouncy ball or a golf ball?

A bouncy ball will bounce first because it is designed to have high elasticity and bounce easily upon impact. Golf balls are designed to have less bounce and tend to roll more on impact with the ground.

What makes a bouncey ball bounce so high?

The more power you put into the ball the ball bounces.

How high will ball bounce?

Depends on the kind of ball- and whether you mean the size of the ball, or how high it can go in flight. A basketball is large than a golf ball.

When you drop a golf ball to the pavement it bounces up?

When a golf ball is dropped, it gains potential energy due to gravity. As it hits the pavement, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the ball to bounce back up. The elasticity of the ball and the pavement determine how high it will bounce.

How does a backspin affect a shot?

A ball with backspin will bounce slightly more backwards when it hits the ground, or slightly more forwards if it hits a ceiling. In basketball, this makes the ball more likely to fall through the hoop if it hits the back of the rim, or more likely to bounce high (and possibly fall into the hoop) if it hits the front. In tennis, this makes the ball bounce higher on a normal shot, making it slightly easier to hit. It can prevent a drop shot from going as far, also, making the player run further in order to catch it. In golf, the ball will bounce a shorter distance (or possible bounce backwards after a very high shot).

How high will a ball bounce?


How high can a ball bounce in a warm atmosphere?

bounce a ball and you'll find out

How high does a golf ball bounce after being dropped 5 ft?

A golf ball dropped from a height of 5 feet will bounce back to around 2.5 feet under ideal conditions. This bounce height would vary based on factors like the surface material and the initial velocity of the ball.