University Interscholastic League. That's only the abbreviation, I don't know what it is.
As of July 2014, the market cap for UIL Holdings Corporation (UIL) is $2,074,186,524.12.
The symbol for UIL Holdings Corporation in the NYSE is: UIL.
Tromsdalen UIL was created in 1938.
UIL Holdings Corporation was created in 1971.
UIL Credito Esattorie e Assicurazioni was created in 1998.
UIL can stand for University Interscholastic League. It was created by the University of Texas at Austin to provide leadership and guidance to public schools.
Mek va Uil (located in the Mek va Uil system within the Surron sector in the Expansion Region).
Of course not.
The airport code for Quillayute Airport is UIL.
Mek va Uil is home to 10 million to 100 million Mek va Uilians c. 25 ABY (according to The Essential Atlas sourcebook).
Mek va Uilian.