Serial number doesn't say much about tue current value. More useful pointers is age, what components it has and what shape it's in. Generally speaking bikes don't age well. They don't become collectible and unless in pristine condition usually go for about half their original price. Have a look at craigslist, eBay to see what similar bikes go for.
The phone number of the Bicycle Museum Of America is: 312-222-0500.
The phone number of the Bicycle Museum Of America is: 419-629-9249.
The phone number of the Metz Bicycle Museum is: 732-462-7363.
One can purchase bicycle lights from a number of places. They can be purchased from Amazon, ebay, Revolights or Walmart. They should be easy to fit to any bicycle.
The phone number of the Pedaling History Bicycle Museum is: 716-662-3853.
I'm looking for the date of a J.C. Higgins bicycle with the serial number 705495
A person can purchase a bicycle motor at a number of different places such as local sporting goods stores or local bicycle repair shops as well as stores like Walmart.
You can buy them over the 'net, from any number of sources. Or a well-stocked bicycle shop is likely to have some in store.