I believe, hopefully not erroneously, that the external diameter of said timber sphere to be three and five eigths of a inch.
croquet Mallet
A UK regulation CROQUET ball weighs 16 ounces. It also has to be a set diameter.
When a ball has scored its last hoop point, it becomes a rover.
yes it is.
It is a wire which the ball most roll through.
The word "croquet" originated from the French term "crochet," which means a wooden ball or mallet. Croquet is a lawn game that became popular in France and England in the mid-19th century.
In croquet, Newton's third law applies when a player strikes their ball with the mallet. When the mallet pushes on the ball (action), the ball exerts an equal and opposite force back onto the mallet (reaction), causing the ball to move in the opposite direction. This law governs the transfer of momentum between the mallet and the ball in the game of croquet.
snooker billards pool golf croquet
Pool, billiards, croquet, boccie ball, dodge ball (depending on the house rules), team golf,
It is safe for children who can handle the croquet mallet. And they need to learn that the mallet is not for hitting people. Also it should be the right size for the child.