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Q: What is the sharp end of a pin called?
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What kind of simple macines is a push pin?

A push pin is a type of inclined plane, where the sharp end acts as the wedge. By applying force to the head of the pin, the sharp end easily penetrates into surfaces.

Why is one end of a drawing pin sharp?

becoz it can easily pierce through anything...(when it is sharp)

What is the end of a pin or sharp object?

The end of a pin or sharp object is typically pointed and designed to pierce through materials or surfaces. This pointed end allows the object to penetrate and fulfill its intended purpose, such as holding things together or puncturing objects.

What is the sharp end of the pencil called?

The sharp end of a pencil is called the "point."

Why is the one end of drawing pin kept wide but the other end very sharp?

The wide end of a drawing pin is meant to be held or pressed into a surface, providing stability and control during use. The sharp end is designed to easily penetrate materials like paper or cork when pushed, allowing the pin to be securely attached.

What does the safety pin look like?

Its in an oval shape with a sharp thing at the end, idiot.

What is the difference between a needle and a pin?

A needle has an "eye" at the other (non-sharp) end, to allow you to pull a thread. A pin doesn't.

What is the end of a bobby pin called?

it is called a quickle

What is the stand on a cello called?

it is called the endpin

What is the sharp end of a fishing hook called?


Why is it easier to push a sharp pin into a board rather then a blunt pin?

A sharp pin has a smaller surface area, which means that the force exerted by the sharp tip is concentrated in a smaller area, making it easier to penetrate the board. In contrast, a blunt pin has a larger surface area, so the force is spread out over a larger area, making it harder to penetrate the board.

What is a nail?

A nail is a pin-shaped, sharp object of hard metal, typically steel, used as a fastener. Nails can be pointed, non sharp, or even so thin that the eye has a hard time seeing. They are also called needles. They are very sharp used for nitting, and sewing clothes. a nail is also the hard bit on the end of your fingers and toes