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The same player serves for all of each game and they swap on a rotation basis until the end.

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13y ago

Whoever didn't serve in the last game of the first set serves in the first game of the second set.

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Q: What is the sequence of who serves in tennis after the first serve?
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When tennis score is 6-6 who serves first.?

The person who returned in the 6-5 game will serve first in the tie-break.

How come sometimes the tennis player gets to serve three erroneous serves and not double faulted?

If the server serves the ball and hits the top of the net, but the ball bounces over into the serve box, that is called a let. If that was their first serve, then they still have two tries left.

Does the same person serve the entire tennis game?

no at the end of the game you serve, then at the end of your service game, your opponent serves, then you serve, the she/he etc

In what sport can you serve an ace?

In tennis when the opposing player is unable to return the first serve, this is known as an ace. An ace is also a hole in one in golf, and obviously card games.

In tennis if you hit the net on you second serve do you reserve?

If it hits the net and goes into the service box, you get one re-serve (as opposed to getting two re-serves if you do that on your first serve). If it hits the net and does not land in the service box, then it is a double fault.

What is the first stroke of tennis called?

a serve

What us the system of service in table tennis?

Switch every 2 serves. In deuce, switch every serve.

Is there re-serves in table tennis?

No. As soon as the server deliberately throws the ball up to serve, the ball is in play.

Sam Querreys average tennis serve speed?

It is hard to determine what the average speed of a tennis serve is from various players, but Sam Qurrey is among the fastest serves of all time. He has recorded a serve of 141 miles per hour at multiple events.

What is take-two in tennis?

"Take two" is a common phrase in tennis used by the receiving player when the server causes a let. A let is when the server serves the ball, but the ball hits the net before bouncing into the service box.The receiver would say "take two", which means that the server will be able to re-do the first serve, as well as have a second serve to use if he or she fails to get the first serve into the service box.

In tennis what is the first action that starts the game?


Why do you need at least two balls to play tennis?

because you get a second serve if you mess it up and if you mess up both serves the other opponent gets the point