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Q: What is the red thing on a birdie from badminton?
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What are sayings in the sport of badminton?

Watch the Birdie! Watch the Birdie!

What is the official name for a birdie?

In golf, it is a birdie. In badminton, the birdie is officially called a "shuttlecock".

In what sport is a birdie hit back and forth across the net?

Also called a shuttlecock, the birdie is used in badminton.

What is the name for the birdie in badminton?

another word for badminton birdie is called a "shuttlecock"

What is a birdie used in?

It is used in badminton.

What type of game is badminton?

Hit the birdie.

How can you not hit a badminton birdie out?

corn dog

How do you play badminton properly?

Playing badminton follows the same rules as tennis, except that instead of a tennis ball, you use a birdie (which moves much more slowly) and instead of a tennis racket you use a badminton racket (which is pretty much the same thing). You have to hit the birdie so that it goes over the net, but not out of bounds. Simple.

What is the ball in Badminton called?

a shuttlecock

What is another name for birdie in badminton?

The "hitter"

How is a badminton game scored?

A badminton game is scored by hitting the birdie to the other side of the net.

What is a birde in badminton is actually really called?

its d ball like in tennis but played different