The burning would be from the build up of lactic acid, it comes from your muscles asking for more oxygen and energy than your bloodstream can provide. It's not dangerous. The best thing is to walk/ride at an easy effort for 5-10 minutes to get it all flushed out of your muscles. Once you get fitter, you can work harder w/o getting the burn.
People with diabetes often have a burning sensation in their extremities especially their legs and feet.
The burning thing between your legs
Yes, you would just have to work more for it. Tone your legs with running, stair stepping, or even walking. Actually, a person's legs are easier to tone and thin because a person does the most exercise with their legs (walking, even standing).
There are many things people would love the change about themselves. Walking or running can help a person slim their legs.
Don't touch the hot parts with your legs
they would stub there toes cause their legs dont work right
There are many things people would love the change about themselves. Walking or running can help a person slim their legs.
one person has 2 legs a baby has 4 legs when it walks and a grandma has 3 legs with a walking stick.
go to a doctor
I would hold their arms while another person held the legs