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I have a Haskell Bramble Golf ball dated April 11 1899 with the number 57 on the poles what is the origin of the number 57

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Q: What is the number 57 on a haskell bramble golf ball?
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What role did the foulis brothers play in the development of the golf ball?

The Foulis brothers took the 'Haskell ball' and remolded the outer shell with a bramble marking or pattern. The Haskell ball would tend to 'duck' because of it's outer surface. "and even Jim couldn t keep them from ducking to the ground just off the tee. " It was at that point they remolded the ball with the bramble pattern, the same as the gutta percha ball. "The brothers made quite a bit of money improving the Haskell and making the ball fly further. Besides reselling the Haskell, they also manufactured their own golf balls, calling them the American Eagle "

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There isn't really a number of sides. Since a golf ball is a ball, there is no definite side.

Is there a regulation number of dimples on golf ball?

Anywhere form 300-450 depending on your brand of ball.

A real golf ball has?

Dimples. A brand name, ball type and number.

How do you find the density of a golf ball?

with the number of dimple

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Why only even number of dimples on a golf ball?

An odd number of dimples would render the ball asymmetrical.

How deep are the dimples on a golf ball?

a golf ball weighs no more than 1.620 oz (45.93 grams), has a diameter not less than 1.680 in (42.67 mm)

What is foe in golf?

In golf, the "foe" would be the number of strokes needed to get the ball into the hole. You're competing to see who can do that in the fewest number.

The players golf score which depends on the number of swings taken at the ball?

yes the golf score depends on the number of swings you take at the golf ball. A practice swing doesn't count. I would say a putt is somewhat considered a swing.

Is less dimples on a golf ball better or worse?

There is no meaning in the amount of dimples a golf ball has; this number is just determined by the size of each dimple and how they have been placed on the ball.