When considering purchasing a trampoline, make sure to buy it from a reputable company that has a proven customer service history and long warranty. durable fully galvanized spring, and suffiicient spring count, mat quality-USA made, strong steel frame. The biggest trampoline you can buy is a 14x16. It is hard to find a good one when it is this big. Make sure the steel gauge is strong. The lower the gauge, the stronger the steel. 10 gauge is the best I've seen anyone making their rectangle trampoline.
I would agree on the information given. I think many people have no idea what they buy in general, the most important factor i would say is that they just understand what they getting. The trampoline must be safe, reliable and have some history behind it. Try find an outlet where you can test the unit out first if possible.
The biggest rectangle trampoline is a 14x16 trampoline. www.ijumpusa.com has the sturdiest steel gauge I've seen. Harry, Trampoline Coach
No not really. My trampoline is 14ft across and I think the biggest you can get one is a 15ft.
No the world's biggest spider is still only a foot across
Hi there, the best place for children's toys and for large bulky items like trampoline ladders is toysrus.com they also have the biggest selection. Hope it helps!
The second largest city in Finland is Espoo.
Yes and considering inflation, it probably always will be.
Some of the biggest concerns when buying a used car are, how long is it going to run, was it wrecked before, how was it maintained, has it been stolen, is there a warranty. you should get all of the answers to these questions before purchasing a used car.
There are many benefits of purchasing an activity gym for a toddler. The biggest benefit is that it will keep your child active and healthy. Of course it will also be a lot of fun for the child.
Considering population,the three biggest cities are Moscow (8 297 000),London (7 074 000) & Sankt Petersburg (4 678 000 ).
The Valentine, or at least it was. The biggest detractor from purchasing one, however, has always been the shoddy customer service.